Samantha Simon, Francisca Harry, Constance Rene & Mary George

Keywords: Teacher Made Resources, Repository, Culturally Relevant

About the project

Informal observations indicate that teachers are in need of culturally relevant resources such as lesson plans. Teachers would benefit from having a repository of resources, made and tested by teachers. These materials would be culturally relevant and easily accessible to educators.


The team collected information from teachers who indicated that they would be willing to both share and access resources if they are made available. The team considered how to provide small incentives to teachers (recognition, etc.) to encourage/reward sharing. Further investigation into the problem revealed that in their education District, teachers have room for improvement in their lesson planning. The team chose to narrow their focus on this area for their prototype.

The team is now prototyping a small repository which will include lesson plans for the grades K to 7 levels, using shared folders in Google Drive. These lesson plans were shared by teachers from around the island and are examples of well written plans, that allow room for adaptation. Adjustments will be made to the repository or to the method, based on the feedback of teachers in the District with which it was shared.