Teacher Nigel Fedee of the Corinth Secondary School

Keywords: Supporting Boys, Student Services

About the project

Boys seem to present more learning difficulties and behavioral issues in the school community. The intention of this project is to:

1. Help boys mature into positive and helpful members of society.

2. Provide an avenue that will help allow boys to express their feeling in a supportive environment.


The team has spoken to male teachers at the school who have lamented that the curriculum is not adequately tailored to boys’ needs and learning styles. It is apparent that most of the boys are unable to connect what is taught in school to the real world; thus, the boys have been engaged in more hands-on activities. The team intends to expose boys to a range of occupations by inviting men of various professions to explain, through demonstration, certain aspects of their jobs. In addition, in-depth conversations will be arranged with boys in order to understand why they seem disconnected to school.