Teacher Constance Rene of the Castries Comprehensive Secondary School

Keywords: Conducive Classes, Secondary Students

About the project

The student experience from the primary school to the secondary school environment is not a smooth transition. Students move from classrooms that are more print rich, visually appealing and stimulating to bare walls. The physical set up of the most classrooms at school X are not conducive to facilitate learning. Research has amplified the correlation between the physical space or classroom and learning. Consequently, the intent of this project is to create a more conducive environment for learning and pedagogy.


This teacher has spoken to end users (her homeroom students to whom she teaches math) and has gotten feedback about what classroom atmosphere they would prefer. They mentioned cleaner classrooms with better furniture, including flooring, but also more teaching aids and print material around the classroom. She has also reached out to parents who have donated materials such as tablets.

The teacher is prototyping a series of practices over the school term in these areas and having students keep a math journal to record their feedback on their improved environment. She wants to determine whether this increases their engagement.